Friday, August 20, 2010

bringing LIFEcloser

REViSED LOGO Raien & Profile

I've been busy with Debut photos for a client and this is all I can show for now. I redesigned my original log and kept the leaf coz I think it symbolizes the significance of success. I intend to follow my dream and pursue my goal until I land on becoming successful in my #LIFE.

I like this logo and my little slogan. "Bringing Lifecloser." I attached closer to LIFE because if you truely know me, that's how I am. I bring people/friends & even places that's close to me and that becomes my #LIFE endeavour. I'm enjoying #LIFE right now and absolutely great-full for what I have. I continue to learn and grow every breath I inhale and exhale.

Thanks to all of you for reading my Blog.
....More to come!

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